Radio Interview -

Radio Interview -

"Tomorrow between 4pm & 6pm, there will be an exclusive interview with the band, during the VIP show. The interview was done before by telephone. So the band won't be there.
The radio is PUISSANCE A (, there is a page on Facebook.
I have no more infos, i dunno about what it will be."

free image host
Thanks to bzzbzzbzz for this information!
Radio Interview
4 - 6 PM (European Time)
The Interview is already recorded!
Das Interview wurde bereits aufgezeichnet!
"Well i spoke with the guy who made the interview cause i wanted to have more infos.
They have some problem to do the audio of the interview. So for the moment they will put a interview already known as i undertand it. Suck -_-
No news for the exclusive one."

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