Lematin: Twin's Kaulitz


The twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz, the band "Tokio Hotel", which could be heard talking, back on the front of the stage, but as jurors in a German TV show.

Twins superstars "Tokio Hotel" resurface in a surprising role. In fact, Tom and Bill Kaulitz are engaged to be part of the jury of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar", the German version of New Star. We do not know yet if looks "Billy Idol crossed Matt Pokora" Bill and the very "I inflated everywhere" Tom will appeal to young girls, waiting for the next album.

The tenth season of the most popular show in Germany will be broadcast early next year, and while the hearings are to begin in Berlin, the brothers assured unison will find strong personalities and they both are very demanding. Fortunately, this is not an issue of makeover!

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